Well, here I am, heading into the 3rd trimester. I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy has flown by. As the pregnancy progresses, I get little glimpses into their little personalities, and I've recently nicknamed them 'tortoise' and 'hare' based on how different their movements are in utero, and their heartbeats.
'Tortoise' is the boy, only because he's so quiet, and always has been. He's a lot like Maeve in that regard. He moves just enough to let me know that things are ok, but his heartrate rarely goes above 140 these days, and he never seems in a rush. His movements are always slow and gentle. 'Hare' on the other hand, is getting ready to run a marathon. She moves enough for 3 babies, and is literally making me nauseas with her movements these days. She seems to love to move between 10 pm and 2 am, which can make falling asleep a challenge. Sometimes, she literally goes for hours. You can imagine that I'm a little worried about what life will be like when she's on the outside! And, today, her heartbeat was up to 170 as she kicked away during my exam.
I had my GP checkup today and all is well. I'm measuring 37 weeks, so 9-10 weeks ahead of a singleton pregnancy. I honestly can't tell where my uterus ends these days, it just feel like it's everywhere. I'm in to see her every 2 weeks now, so time will really start flying by now.
There's lots to do this month in preparation for our family of 5. A minivan is in our future, a reality that took us awhile to accept. So, hopefully we'll get that in place soon. Brent has also made arrangements through work to be home from February 12th-May 18th, which is great. He'll have to spend some of that time working in the office in Halifax, but at least he won't be a helicopter ride away! We also have a few more baby things to pick up (extra swing, carseat, playpen) but it's coming along. I've starting putting little newborn clothing into Maeve's old dresser, but I still can't quite believe they'll be here in just a couple of months.