Thursday, November 26, 2009

The verdict is in!

We're having a BOY and a GIRL! Most importantly, both babies are perfect and healthy. It was so great to see them, already looking so cute. They both weigh about a pound and are measuring a week or so ahead. They both are quite long, so will probably be tall like their big sister.

Our little girl is busy; she barely stopped moving long enough for the tech to take her measurements. Our little boy, however, was quite calm and relaxed, despite being kicked in the head by his sister. ;)

My placenta, cervix and fluid levels are also great, so it was a pretty perfect day. It looks like I'll be having an ultrasound every month until 32 weeks, and then every 2 weeks. We also met with our OB, Dr. Sommerset, who seems very nice. He is in full support of me having a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) and has also given me some leeway in deciding when I stop working. I'll go down to very part-time hours in January, but will probably take February off as I'll likely be measuring as big a full-term singleton pregnancy at that time.

Here's a picture of our little babies. Baby B (boy) is on the left and Baby A (girl) is on the right.

The best part is that I get to reuse all of Maeve's cute girl clothes, and go shopping for little boy clothes. ;)


  1. how perfect is that?!! So happy for you! Those ultrasound pictures are fab!

  2. I love those little ones already and can't wait to see them !! I am a very happy and lucky nanny !! xo
